Daisuke Muranaka conductor

Daisuke Muranaka conductor 

Artsitic Director & Founder Orchester AfiA

International Guest Conductor English Chamber Orchestra

“Muranaka drove the music forcefully forward while retaining sprightly buoyancy, and summoned an appropriately heroic spirit…” (Claire Seymour)

In 2013 Daisuke Muranaka was appointed as an Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of  newly formed Symphony Orchestra in Tokyo, “Orchestra AfiA”,              with which he has embarked upon the series of concerts entitled “Nature and Music” in Tokyo , with recording plans which includes Mendelssohn , Schumann, Schubert and the Beethoven Cycles.  Recently he made a Japanese Premiere of the new chamber orchestra version of Mahler’s “Das Lied von der Erde” with Orchestra AfiA and had a great critical approval in his country.

His recent featured concerts on the “Nature and Music” programme got a attention from all over the world, and became one of the nominee from over 2000 music institutions for the “Innovation Award” 2016 in Classical:NEXT.

Mr. Muranaka ’s glittering career as a conductor first came into prominence in 1996, when he made his operatic debut in Italy with “ Die Zauberflöte “ in Treviso Teatro Mario Del Monaco at two hours notice because of the sudden illness of  Peter Maag, with whom he had a long musical partnership as an assistant of Peter Maag’s last years. His current  worldwide Opera performances include La Grand Teatro La Fenice di Venezia , Teatro Massimo di Palermo, Glyndebourne Festival Opera, Theater St. Gallen, Teatro Comunale di Treviso “Mario del Monaco”, The National Theater in Tokyo and many others. Among which, in  Teatro Massimo di Palermo, Mr. Muranaka ‘s interpretation of  “Manon Lescaut” had a biggest acclaim after the newly reopened Scilian Theater with Norma Fantini in title role and  Gazzettino di Treviso says  “ Puccini must be conducted like this..”.

Performances have taken him to many concert Venues such as Verdi Hall (Milan), Palais des Beaux-Arts(Brussels), Cadogan Hall (London), Ueno Bunkakaikan(Tokyo) , Teatro Massimo , Teatro Politeama (Palermo), Grand Teatro Fenice(Venezia) and many others.

He has also conducted many Italian and Japanese premières for contemporary composers such as F. Pennisi and H.W.Henze, gaining the composer’s own praise for his interpretation. 

His next European appearance will be in Malmesbury with the English Chamber Orchestra in May conducting Beethoven’2nd Symphony, and will be back to Tokyo to continue his 2016~17 Season with his Orchestra AfiA , including  Mendelssohn Cycles.

Mr. Muranaka has enjoyed success as a conductor in Japan after winning prestigious “ Idemitsu Music Award 2001” and already conducted  almost all Japanese Orchestras such as NHK Symphony, Tokyo Philharmonic, Yomiuri Symphony, Kyoto Symphony, Nippon Century Orchestra, New Japan Symphony, Japan Symphony, Kyushu Symphony, Gunma Symphony, Tokyo City Pilharmonic and Tokyo New City Orchesta.

His discography includes a recording of Rachmaninov’s 3rd Piano Concerto with Paquale Ianonne (Phoenix) and Mendelssohn’ Scottish Symphony  with the Orchestra AfiA(WAKA) that has been released released with great critical acclaim in Japan, recognized as one of the reference CDs in 2015.

Daisuke Muranaka’s last performance with the English Chamber Orchestra was the Schubert Tragic  Symphony  in Gloucestershire and the Mendelssohn Scottish Symphony in London’s Cadogan Hall in 2016.

In 2016 Daisuke Muranaka ‘s “Nature & Music “Concert Series was nominated from over 3000 Professional Classical Groups worldwide as one of the best 10 Innovative Idea for the Nominee of Innovation Award in Rotterdam.

From 2018, he returned to his second Heimat Italy to conduct several concerts and Operas, beginning at Teatro Massimo Bellini (Catania) , then at Teatro Politeama with Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana (2019) and at Teatro Lirico di Cagliari (2020).

In 2021 Daisuke will issue his 4th CD with 3rd Symphony of Schumann from WAKA Label in Japan.

➡Download Profile

➡Muranaka in Mahler Das Lied von der Erde

➡Muranaka in Ravel “Ma mere l’Oye”

Concerto Sinfonico Omaggio a Debussy al Teatro Bellini di Catania 2018


【Travolgente Concerto di Capodanno al Massimo Bellini】

Scritto da Piero Maenza

Standing ovation e diversi minuti di applausi al termine del Concerto di Capodanno al teatro massimo Bellini di Catania. Non basta però questa sintesi per dire della partecipazione, del gradimento del programma e dell’esecuzione dell’orchestra diretta dal giapponese Daisuke Muranaka con il coro diretto da Ross Craigmile.

Già dalle prime note dell’ouverture da “Die Fledermaus” (Il pipistrello) di Johann Strauss si respirava l’atmosfera di una grande serata di musica. A confermarlo l’esecuzione di “Gli aranci olezzano” dalla Cavalleria rusticana di Pietro Mascagni, “fuori tempo” ha commentato sorridendo un caro critico alludendo al periodo pasquale in cui è collocata la vicenda rispetto a quello natalizio e di fine anno attuale. Ma l’esecuzione del coro e dell’orchestra è stata tutt’altro che fuori tempo: ci ha immersi nel profumo della Sicilia e dei suoi agrumeti.

E alla natura era ispirato il terzo brano di Johann Strauss jr. “Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald” (Storielle del bosco di Vienna) che ha trasportato il pubblico nella magica capitale austriaca.

Ma il viaggio europeo è continuato con “Les  voici! Voici la quadrille!” dalla Carmen di George Bizet, e con “Ainsi que la brise legère”, un valzer di Charles Gounod.

Il ritorno in patria è stato affidato al coro di “Noi siamo zingarelle” da La traviata di Giuseppe Verdi e poco dopo con il sempre emozionante “Va pensiero” dal Nabucco, un cavallo di battaglia dell’ensemble corale diretto da Ross Craigmile, capace di tenere la nota finale sussurrata quasi all’infinito.

Il direttore Daisuke Muranaka si congratula con il primo violino Vito Imperato

Elegante, poi, la proposta del “Valzer dei fiori” da “Lo schiaccianoci” di Petr Il’ic Cajkovskij. Prefinale viennese con due valzer di Strauss jr. “An der schonen blauen Donau” ( Sul bel Danubio blu) e Kaiser-Walzer (Valzer dell’imperatore).

Gran finale, quindi, in compagnia della frizzante “Vedova allegra” di Franz Lehar con il can-can delle grisettes (“Sì, noi siamo le signorine”) ed il famosissimo, allegro ed ammiccante “E’ scabroso le donne studiar“.

Gli applausi ripetuti ed insistenti hanno “costretto” il direttore  Daisuke Muranaka a concedere diversi bis che hanno scatenato e coinvolto il pubblico a far parte dell’esecuzione. Già i titoli dei brani, famosissimi, fanno intendere l’emozione, il senso di insieme che ha permesso di prendere parte senza inibizione all’invito di Muranaka: “Tric trac polka”, “Marcia Radetzsky” ed il Can-can dall’”Orfeo all’inferno” di Jacques Offenbach.

Francesco Nicolosi, Daisuke Muranaka, Enzo Bianco, Roberto Grossi

Si capisce , quindi, la standing ovation al termine dell’esecuzione ed anche la soddisfazione , nella hall, del direttore artistico Francesco Nicolosi, del maestro Daisuke Muranaka, del sindaco Enzo Bianco e del soprintendente Roberto Grossi.

Un concerto, al quale ha assistito anche l’assessore regionale Anthony Barbagallo, che conferma la grande tradizione ed il livello di orchestra e coro del teatro massimo Bellini e l’affetto che i catanesi hanno per questa intoccabile presenza culturale.

➡Muranaka in La Mer of Debussy

Concerto dell’Apertura della Stagione Concertistica Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana 2019

Concerto Sinfonico 2020 a Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

➡Muranaka in Dvorak Te Deum(2020)

➡Muranaka in Mendelssohn Hebriden Overture(2020)

➡Management Europe(Opera)

A.C. S.r.l. Via Tracia 2   00183 Roma  Italia


E-mail: alecatteruccia@tiscali.it

Phone: +39 06 77 202 447

Fax: +39 06 77 202 447

➡Muranaka in Mahler 5th 

➡Muranaka in Schoenberg Die Verklärte Nacht

Friday October, 2018 Kioi Hall, Tokyo

  • Daisuke Muranaka conductor
  • Gloria Campaner piano
  • Schumann Symphony No.1 “Spring”
  • Ravel Piano Concerto
  • Schumann Symphony No.3 “Rhein”

Tuesday 22 March, 2016 Cadogan Hall, London

  • Daisuke Muranaka conductor
  • Alison Balsom trumpet
  • Tom Poster piano
  • English Chamber Orchestra
    Prokofiev Symphony No.1 “Classical”
    Shostakovich Concerto No.1 for piano and trumpet
    Haydn Trumpet Concerto
    Beethoven Symphony No.4

Thursday 18 February, 2016 Kioi Hall, Akasaka, Tokyo


  • Daisuke Muranaka conductor
  • Alena Baeva violin
  • Orchester AfiA
    Mendelssohn Overture “Fingal’s Cave”(First London version)
    S.Barber Violin Concerto
    Schubert Symphony No.9 C major “Great”

Friday 11 December, 2015 Kioi Hall , Akasaka, Tokyo

”Finding Silk Road…”

  • Daisuke Muranaka conductor
  • Tuomas Katajala tenor
  • Laura Nykänen alto
  • Orchester AfiA

Toru Takemitsu How slow the wind
Ravel Ma mere l’oye , suite
Mahler/Cortese Das Lied von der Erde (Japanese Premiere)

Friday 18 September, 2015 Kioi Hall , Akasaka, Tokyo

“Let’s Dance!”

  • Daisuke Muranaka conductor
  • Orchester AfiA

Ravel Le Tombeau de Couperin , Suite
Prokofiev Symphony Classique
Beethoven Symphony No.7

Friday 26 June, 2015 Kioi Hall , Akasaka, Tokyo

“The Power of DO”

  • Daisuke Muranaka conductor
  • Akiko Yamamoto piano
  • Orchester AfiA

Beethoven Coriolan Overture C minor Op.62
Mozart Piano Concerto No.25 C major K.503
Schumann Symphony No.2 C major Op.62

May 2015 , the Church of St Mary, Fairford, Gloucestershire UK


  • Daisuke Muranaka, conductor
  • English Chamber Orchestra
  • Katya Apekisheva piano

Beethoven Overture “Egmont” Op 84
CHOPIN Piano Concerto No 2 in F minor Op 21
SCHUBERT Symphony No 4 in C minor D417 ‘Tragic’

Wednesday 18 March, 2015 , Cadogan Hall , London UK


  • Daisuke Muranaka , conductor
  • English Chamber Orchestra
  • Soloist: Gloria Campaner , piano

Beethoven Overture Leonore No.3
Schumann Piano Concerto
Mendelssohn Symphony No.3 “Scotland”

Thursday 2 October, 2014 Kanagawa Kenritsu Ongakudo


  • Daisuke Muranaka, conductor
  • Orchester AfiA
  • Soloist : Akihiro Miura (Violin)

Schumann Overture

Beethoven Violin Concerto D major
Mendelssohn Symphony No.3 Scotland

Tuesday 3 June , 2014 Kanagawa Kenritsu Ongakudo


  • Daisuke Muranaka, conductor
  • Orchester AfiA
  • Soloist:Irina Mejoueva(Piano)
    (Leader: Akihiro Miura Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra)
    Mendelssohn Melusine Overture
    Schumann Piano Concerto
    Beethoven Symphony No.3 Eroica

Friday 21th February, 2014 Tokyo Hamarikyu Asahi Hall


  • Daisuke Muranaka, conductor
  • Orchester AfiA
    (Leader: Akihiro Miura Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra)
    Mendelssohn Ein Sommernachtstraum (Complete)
    Beethoven Symphony No.2 Op.36

Wednesday 2th April, 2014 London Cadgan Hall

“Nature in Romanticism”

  • Daisuke Muranaka, conductor
  • English Chamber Orchestra
  • Caroline Dale, Cello

Beethoven Egmont Overture
Schumann Cello Concerto
Beethoven Symphony No.6 “Pastorale”

Wednesday 6th November, 2013 , London Cadgan Hall

“Natural Poem and Music”

  • Daisuke Muranaka, conductor
  • English Chamber Orchestra
  • Sophie Bevan, soprano
  • Alena Baeva, violin
  • Yuri Bashmet, viola

Britten Les Illuminations
Mozart Sinfonia Concertante K.354
Arvo Part Cantus in Memorium Benjamin Britten
Schoenberg Verklaerte Nacht

Friday 18th October, 2013 19:00 Tokyo Hamarikyu Asahi Hall


  • Conductor: Daisuke Muranaka
  • Orchester AfiA (Leader: Roberto Baraldi Grand Teatro Fenice di Venezia)

Mozart Divertiment K.136
Mendelssohn Octet (String Orchestra Version)
Schoenberg the Night of Transfigration

Tuesday 16th July 2013 19:00 Tokyo Hamarikyu Asahi Hall

“ Goethe’s Italian Journey ”

  • Conductor: Daisuke Muranaka
  • Orchester AfiA
    (Leader: Akihiro Miura Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra)

Mendelssohn The Hebrides Overture
Mozart Symphony No.36 K.425 Linz
Mendelssohn Symphony No.4 Italian

Daisuke Muranaka conducts English Chamber Orchestra(18/03/2015)

Familiar Music Performed with Freshness and Evident Joy

United Kingdom Beethoven, Schumann & Mendelssohn: Gloria Campaner (piano), English Chamber Orchestra/ Daisuke Muranaka (conductor), Cadogan Hall, London 18.3.2015 (CS)

Beethoven: Overture ‘Leonore’ No.3 Op.72b
Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54
Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3 in A minor Op.56 (‘Scottish’)

Although it can be exciting to attend the first performance of a new work or to have the opportunity to experience rarely heard repertoire, it can be just as satisfying to indulge oneself with an evening of ‘familiar classics’; especially if the music is performed with the freshness and evident joy displayed at the Cadogan Hall by the English Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Daisuke Muranaka during this performance of early-nineteenth-century favourites.

Of the four overtures that Beethoven wrote for his opera Leonore (later re-named Fidelio) it is the one which we know as Leonore No.3 (and which was actually the ‘second version’, composed for the 1806 revival of the opera) which has gained most favour in the concert hall. It has a tricky opening which evokes a dark image of Florestan incarcerated in his prison cell. After the punch of the opening chord, the strings and woodwind descend in slow, quiet crotchets: things feel unsettled, forward movement is sporadic and disrupted; there are tentative swells, accents and cautious melodic gestures. Conductor Daisuke Muranaka shaped this tense introduction very effectively, intimating the great drama which is to follow in this quasi-‘symphonic poem’ (which is often performed between the dungeon and public square scenes in the middle of Act II of the opera). Later, Florestan’s memories of brighter, more hopeful times led to playing of stirring Beethovenian vigour without undue heaviness.

The English Chamber Orchestra strings produced a focused sound; the opening of the Allegro was warm and light after the ominous scurrying of the introductory Adagio and if the climatic syncopated passage did not quite come off the first time, then at the recapitulation this episode of dramatic rhythmic argument was tightly directed. The solo off-stage trumpet fanfare (which heralds Florestan’s reprieve) was a striking pronouncement and expressively deployed: slightly guarded at the first declaration, brighter and gleaming with hope when re-stated. Although at times I found the woodwind a little ‘distant’ – perhaps it was a matter of the acoustic or where I was seated in the Hall – the agile duet for bassoon and flute, which comments on the trumpet fanfare, was deftly played, conveying relaxed optimism. In the recapitulation and coda, Muranaka drove the music forcefully forward while retaining sprightly buoyancy, and summoned an appropriately heroic spirit.

The ECO were then joined by Italian pianist Gloria Campaner for an animated and at times flamboyant performance of Schumann’s Piano Concerto in A minor. An extrovert and gregarious performer, Campaner certainly set out to entertain and captivate – and to stamp her own personality on the concerto, though never at the expense of the music’s integrity. Her eyes sparkled and at times she seemed to ‘dance’ through the music, an effect enhanced by the gossamer, mint-coloured ‘cape’ which bloused diaphanously about her, a hazy hue echoing her physical arcs and sways.

Campaner seemed to relish being part of the orchestral sound as much as articulating her own response through the solo effusions; she listened intently, smiling and frowning as the music unfolded its arguments, often leaning towards the body of instrumental players, as in the tender exchanges with the strings at the start of the second movement. There was much strong, muscular piano playing – the blocks of towering chords and tumbling cascades which open the Allegro affettuoso were arresting – but also evidence of a gymnastic flexibility, as in the robust and jubilant Allegro vivace finale. Here, Muranaka and Campaner chose a sensible tempo (Schumann’s metronome indication is dotted minim = 72), avoiding breakneck recklessness, and the ECO impressively negotiated the rhythmic minefield of syncopated cross-tempi and accents.

I felt that the balance between orchestra and soloist in first movement was not always well-adjusted, with the keyboard sometimes overshadowing the accompanying lines. But things were more even in the latter two movements and there was much fine playing from individual principals and sections – the oboe’s first movement melody was lovely, while the bassoon, flute and horn all excelled in the Intermezzo. Campaner proved capable of sweet wistfulness too, imbuing the Intermezzo’s graceful theme with a touching halting quality. Throughout, the pianist’s playing was very fluent and deeply expressive; she seemed to ‘live’ every phrase and gesture – transferring the sound from her swaying body to the piano keys, and the music’s drama was ‘played out’ in the movements of her body and rhapsodic facial expressions. Indeed, so responsive was she to every musical inference that the vivacity of her responses was sometimes a little distracting.

Buzzing with energy and exhilaration, Campaner launched vibrantly into her chosen encore, Prokofiev’s Toccata Op.11, the persistent repetitions and virtuosic leaps of which were utterly absorbing. Campaner seemed entranced by the music’s hypnotic figurations and exhortations. In a recent interview for the online journal Culture for Friends, she is reported as remarking: “If I don’t play music, I get sick, I get fever and stomach ache.” After this thrilling performance, one could quite believe it.

Muranaka sustained the natural zest and charm of the Schumann concerto in the atmospheric but elegant presentation of Mendelssohn’s ‘Scottish’ Symphony which followed the interval. The sombre theme of the Andante con moto had presence and character, divided violas, oboe, clarinets, bassoons and horns blending richly. Sforzandos were punchy and added to the tense air of this introductory section, before the Allegro un poco agitato burst into life with the clarinet and strings’ quiet, dancing theme. Throughout the movement a good balance between nervy tempestuousness and refined calm was struck.

The Vivace non troppo charmed with its lightness and boundless vigour. The strings’ staccato semi-quavers were brisk and precise, while the section’s quiet thematic gestures had delicacy and grace. The clarinet’s principal theme – characterised by a wistful pentatonicism and jaunty Scotch snap –was charismatic and captured a folky insouciance. The scherzo’s quiet, retreating close led naturally into the Adagio which itself flowed persuasively; reflective, but never morose. Strong momentum was provided by the dotted-rhythm, funereal, march-like gestures of the woodwind and brass, while the first violins’ ‘song without words’ unfolded serenely. Perhaps Muranaka might have made more of the thematic contrasts within the final Allegro vivacissimo – a more aggressive bite in the first subject and greater docility in the second would have highlighted the inherent drama. But there was again much fine and sensitive playing here and Muranaka built to a majestic close. Overall, the ECO did not overdo the Romantic angst and produced music which perfectly embodied Mendelssohn himself: urbane and elegant.

Claire Seymour

20/21 May, 2011 (Teatro Politeama ,Palermo/Italy)

Direttore : Daisuke Muranaka
Orchestra: Orchstra Sinfonica Siciliana

Mendelssohn : Ouverture ” Hebriden”
Britten : Four sea interludes from “ Peter Grimes”
Wagner : Ouverture “Der fliegende Hollaender”
Debussy : La mer

Concerto di “mare” per Daisuke Muranaka, al Politeama, con la Sinfonica Siciliana. “Col mare va più d’accordo come artista che come uomo, o come stomaco” avevano constatato gli amici di Mendelssohn dopo il viaggio alle Ebridi. E in realtà l’Ouverture “Le Ebridi” (La grotta di Fingal), in apertura di programma, riuscì a entusiasmare anche Wagner. Il senso dello spazio e la fantasia coloristica rendono con intensità l’incanto di una visione che improvvisamente erompe in tempestose sonorità e che Muranaka ha assecondato con coinvolgente impeto. Strettissimo il filo con l’ouverture wagneriana del Vascello fantasma, con i Quattro interludi marini dal Peter Grimes di Britten e infine con La mer di Debussy. Il gioco dei contrasti negli Interludi, l’addensarsi della tempesta wagneriana, lasciavano affiorare equoree sinuosità ne La mer(dedicata alle vittime dello tsunami)con sottilli gradazioni in un tessuto sonoro mantenuto someeso da Muranaka per esplodere nello “schizzo” conclusivo in tumultuosa grandiosità.(“SPA”)

Vittime dello Tsunami, Sinfonie dell’Aqua

His recent concert on Radio Rai 3 in Italian Broadcasting Corporation on 14 April.


Concerto Euroradio
Orchestra Filarmonica della Città di Tokyo
violino Kazuhito Yamane
direttore Daisuke Muranaka

Dmitri Šostakovič
Concerto n.1 per violino e orchestra in la minore op.77 (op.99)

  • Nocturne: Moderato 011.09 min.
  • Scherzo: Allegro 006.43 min.
  • Passacaglia: Andante – Cadenza
  • Burlesque: Allegro con brioRegistrato il 23 ottobre 2010 a Tokyo. Takemitsu Memorial, Opera City Concert Hall.

➡村中大祐 関連サイト(Sorry in Japanese)

  • 公式サイト(日本語・英語):https://daisukemuranaka.com/
  • 日本語ブログ:https://muranaplanet.com/
  • 人生最強の音楽教養講座:https://jinseisaikyou.com
  • 指揮者村中大祐有料会員サイト:https://clubmuran.com
  • ポッドキャスト:https://podcasts.bcast.fm/muranplanet
  • You Tube チャンネル:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ofzIFBD0fH95A__M0HFlg
  • クラシックCH:https://bit.ly/2Uzo3uY
  • 指揮者村中大祐メルマガ: https://clubmuran.com/shop/
  • Orchester AfiA:https://afia.info/
  • Linktree ➡https://linktr.ee/muranplanet

➡Muranaka in Schubert Great 

Daisuke Muranaka, conducting English Chamber Orchestra. Cadogan Hall, London, Britain


村中大祐(指揮者):Orchester AfiA芸術監督&CEO/イギリス室内管弦楽団国際招聘指揮者

これまで国内メディアには、テレビ朝日系列「題名のない音楽会」、日本テレビ系「深夜の音楽会」、BSフジ「Table of Dreams 夢の食卓」、NHK教育テレビ、NHKBSプレミアム、テレビ神奈川、NHKFM,FMTokyo,FM YOKOHAMAなど出演多数。

第11回出光音楽賞ほか受賞多数。現在Orchester AfiA芸術監督、イギリス室内管弦楽団国際招聘指揮者。これまで英国グラインドボーン音楽祭、スイス、ザンクガレン・オペラ祭、ヴェネツィア・フェニーチェ歌劇場、テアトロ・マッシモ、新国立劇場など世界の主要オペラ座で活躍。活動の拠点をウィーン、ローマ、ロンドン、東京とし、世界中の様々な場所で活躍してきた。6か国語を自在に使い、音楽のみならず、様々なジャンルで自由な表現活動を続けている。


2013年よりOrchester AfiAを設立。合同会社AfiAを同時に起業して、会社組織としてのオーケストラ運営のプロトタイプを世界で初めて成功裏に導いた。村中はその間、ロンドンと東京を中心に2011年、「自然と音楽」演奏会シリーズを開始。この活動は世界の注目を集め、2016年、オランダ・ロッテルダムで開かれたクラシック音楽の祭典「Classical:NEXT」のイノヴェーション・アワードのファイナリストにノミネートされ、世界2500団体のプロフェッショナルな音楽団体の中から、そのベスト10に選ばれたことは、記憶に新しい。

また近年ではOrchester AfiAとのレコーディングや、ロンドンのカドガン・ホールにおけるイギリス室内管弦楽団との演奏を中心に活動しているが、中でも英国王室からの招きにより、チャールズ皇太子が村中の指揮を絶賛して、自宅に親書を何度も送り、国際招聘指揮者という称号を与えたことは特筆すべき事件だった。


2019年にはイタリアのベッリーニ歌劇場におけるドビュッシーの没後100周年公演に招聘され、交響詩「海」「夜想曲」などを指揮して好評を博した。また、2019年には、イタリア国営の3つのオーケストラの一つ、シチリア交響楽団(Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana)のシーズン開幕公演を指揮。ソリストにウート・ウーギを迎え、シューマンとブラームスの演奏を熱演して、イタリア国内で大きな注目を浴びた。

村中はOrchester AfiAと、これまでにメンデルスゾーン交響曲3,4,5番の録音をリリースしており、またシューベルト交響曲「グレート」はレコード芸術誌や新聞誌上で特選盤に選ばれている。2020年はシューマンの交響曲全曲録音がリリース予定である。

➡Muranaka in Schumann 3rd Symphony


2015年3月18日 英国ロンドン・カドガンホール

指揮:村中大祐 ピアノ:グローリア・カンパナー










エネルギーと陽気に溢れたカンパナーはアンコールにプロコフィエフのトッカータ作品11を演奏したが、延々と続く繰り返しのパッセージと超絶技巧の跳躍は文字通り見事なものだった。カンパナーは催眠効果によって音楽の化身となったかの様子で、最近のインタヴュー(オンラインジャーナル「Culture and friends」)に「わたしは音楽を演奏できないと、病気になるし、熱が出てお腹が痛くなってしまう」と語っていたことが、このスリリングな演奏を目の当たりにして、なるほどと筆者にも納得できる体験であった。




Claire Seymour

➡Muranaka in action with Mendelssohn Scotland Symphony


Mendelssohn Symphony No.3 Scotland & Octet for Strings (Orchester AfiA)

Mendelsshon Symphony No.4 “Italia” & No.5 “Reformation”

Schubert Symphony No.9(8) Great & Schumann Piano Concerto (Gloria Campaner Piano)













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Tel : 045-516-6498(月~木13時~17時)

Fax : 045-512-8506

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Copyright © AfiA LLC. 2021, Yokohama, Japan. All rights reserved.








Yokohama, Japan 

2021 © AfiA LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

➡Muranaka in Wagner Tanhäuser Overture

➡Muranaka in Brahms 2nd Symphony